A Cork doctor finished a 13-hour shift on Saturday evening only to discover his bike had been stolen.

The young doctor, who wants to remain anonymous, was covering for one of his colleagues who has been forced into isolation because of the coronavirus.

With his bike a key part of his commute, the doctor finished work and found his Trek FX 3 DISC was missing despite having secured it at the beginning of his shift.

Medical staff are facing an uphill battle all around the country as the spread of COVID-19 continues, with Ireland reporting 39 new cases on Saturday afternoon.

A tweet was sent out by a friend of the doctor after the bike was stolen saying: ‘My friend has just finished his 14th day working in a #Cork hospital during the middle of a worldwide crisis and someone stole his bike from outside the hospital. To say this has hit him hard is an understatement. #COVIDー19′

One person called for Buseireann to offer free transport for medical staff on the front line, while another kind-hearted soul offered the young doctor their bike, and yet another said he would like to buy the doctor a new bike.

HSE staff are up against it during this crisis and the last thing they need is to finish a long shift and have to worry about whether their transport home is going to be where they had left it.