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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Phase 2 of renovations to Lake Tobesofkee now complete - 41 NBC News
Macon-Bibb residents can now have some fun on four new pickle ball courts added to Sandy beach.

MACON, Georgia(41NBC/WMGT)— Macon-Bibb had a lot to celebrate Thursday morning, as phase two of renovations to Lake Tobesofkee are now complete.

Macon-Bibb residents can now have some fun on four new pickle ball courts added to Sandy beach.

“I have church teams coming out to play on the pickle ball courts, and other people play it, and even people come from the home owners across the lake that come by boat to come over and play pickleball,” said Donald Brucewell, Director of Lake Tobesofkee. He says Pickle ball has become a popular sport in Macon.

The first phase of renovations were completed in March. The total for all renovations cost $1.1 million dollars, which was paid for with the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

There is now four new pickle ball courts, a new indoor pavilion and three renovated pavilions at Sandy Beach.

Olivia Walter, an Ambassador for the Macon Pickle Ball Association, says adding the courts will bring more people out.

“It’s another way to  build the community of both pickle ball and Macon-Bibb. It will help get people together and playing together.”

Commissioner Raymond Wilder hopes the improvements will serve as an attraction for people across Middle Georgia.

“It’s been brought to life, and one of the prettiest beaches out here. It’s very clean and it’s going to be very enjoyable for all of Macon-Bibb and travelers coming from all over the country.”

Along with the new additions, Commissioner Wilder says you have a great view to look at if you just want to go out and relax. “It has a lot to offer. Just remember it’s open to all.”


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October 01, 2021 at 05:50AM

Phase 2 of renovations to Lake Tobesofkee now complete - 41 NBC News
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First phase should be complete in November - Mount Olive Tribune

Staff writer

Mount Olive’s town manager said unexpected issues that have hampered or delayed needed projects will not stop work on the three-phase South Church Street sidewalk project.

Town Manager Jammie Royall said he is hopeful the first phase of the project can be completed no later than sometime in November.

A variety of unexpected issues — COVID issues, a health problem with the town attorney and a fire at town hall — have impacted planned work. But the town’s attorney should get a final easement document signed by a property owner soon to clear the way for work to begin, he said.

The first phase of the three year project calls for installing a sidewalk on the east side of South Church Street between Franklin and Nelson streets.

Easement issues will also be involved with the final two phases of the project.

The second phase calls for a sidewalk from Nelson north to Hillsboro Street.

The final part of the project calls for a sidewalk from Hillsboro west one block over to Center Street.

The plans came from a state Department of Transportation study done about five years ago.

Pedestrian traffic in the targeted area was tagged as a safety issue.

The work is funded through Powell Aid monies.

The town manager said it will take only several days for the work in the first phase to be completed once it begins.

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October 01, 2021 at 04:16AM

First phase should be complete in November - Mount Olive Tribune
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Officer Ruled Justified in Shooting That Wounded Colleague | Connecticut News | US News - U.S. News & World Report

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Officer Ruled Justified in Shooting That Wounded Colleague | Connecticut News | US News  U.S. News & World Report

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October 01, 2021 at 03:48AM

Officer Ruled Justified in Shooting That Wounded Colleague | Connecticut News | US News - U.S. News & World Report
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Whitmer Signs Bills To Complete Budget, Hails Bipartisanship - CBS Detroit

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Sept. 29 signed off on $55 billion in spending to complete the state budget, hailing the bipartisan bills as an example of finding common ground with Republicans despite partisan tension during the coronavirus pandemic.

“This budget shows that divided government doesn’t have to be dysfunctional government,” the Democrat said at Lansing Community College.

READ MORE: Detroit Police Seek Assistance Locating Non-Fatal Shooting Suspect

She emphasized how the laws, which include billions in federal COVID-19 relief aid, will expand eligibility for child care subsidies, provide $1,000 bonuses to child care workers and continue to fund new tuition-free assistance for 167,000 adults ages 25 and up and frontline workers to attend community college. The funding will repair or replace 100 local bridges, clean up polluted sites, fix aging dams and replace lead water lines in Benton Harbor.

It will make permanent and slightly raise — to $2.35 an hour — a wage hike for “direct care” workers in nursing homes and other residential facilities along with in-home caregivers.

The blueprint includes $53 billion in non-school aid spending for the fiscal year that starts Friday and $2.3 billion in supplemental funding for the current budget year. The K-12 budget was finalized over the summer.

Whitmer vetoed roughly $16 million in funding tied to anti-abortion provisions that she said would have promoted the GOP’s “political agenda.” The sections would have required marketing programs and family planning services to promote alternatives to abortion.

“We know that reproductive health care is critical to women and families,” she said, drawing praise from groups that support abortion rights and criticism from those that oppose them.

She also declared unconstitutional or unenforceable various Republican-written “boilerplate” policy provisions, including ones that tried to ban local masks mandates for schools and defund local health departments with COVID-19 orders if those orders lack the support of the relevant county commissioners.

READ MORE: $45,000 Michigan Lottery Winner Dies With Ticket In Wallet

“Where we found agreement … is so much bigger and overwhelming,” the governor said.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Thomas Albert, a Lowell Republican, touted the bills’ injection of money into the unemployment benefits trust fund — which was targeted by fraudsters — a $500 million deposit into savings and new spending to help communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus.

He called it an “excellent” budget but said he was saddened, though not surprised, by the line-item vetoes and decisions on the enforceability of certain provisions.

“As a state, we must do better helping pregnant mothers in need, including the promotion of adoption as an alternative to abortion,” Albert said.

Emergency medical services providers will receive an increased state Medicaid reimbursement for the first time in more than 20 years, enabling them to also draw additional federal funding. They said the pandemic and underfunding have pushed them to the brink financially.

“This budget increase will allow us to increase pay for paramedics and EMTs and recruit much-needed new staff into the profession,” said Jack Fisher, executive director of Medic 1 Ambulance in Berrien County and president of the Michigan Association of Ambulance Services.

Next, Whitmer and the GOP-led Legislature will turn to allocate an unprecedented amount of federal coronavirus relief funding, much of it discretionary.

MORE NEWS: Whitmer Names New Budget Director, Department Leader

© 2021 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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September 30, 2021 at 10:42PM

Whitmer Signs Bills To Complete Budget, Hails Bipartisanship - CBS Detroit
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First five miles of Riverbluff BMX trails complete -
First five miles of Riverbluff BMX trails complete --> --> --> --> -->

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September 30, 2021 at 11:34PM

First five miles of Riverbluff BMX trails complete -
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5 Techniques to Build Rapport with Your Colleagues - Harvard Business Review

So much of what we accomplish in the workplace relies on building relationships and having the trust of our colleagues, and when we take the time to connect and understand each other, we position ourselves for success. The author, a former CIA intelligence analyst, shares five techniques to help genuinely connect and build trust with colleagues: 1) Find ways to make yourself well rounded. 2) Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. 3) Listen. 4) Give to get. 5) Take notes.

Having the trust of colleagues is at the foundation of success in any workplace. Without it, your colleagues might be hesitant to back your ideas and support you. Trust — or lack of it — can mean the difference between accomplishing your goals and falling short.

When I was an analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, I wrote analytic assessments for the US President and other policymakers. I worked alongside my colleagues in the Directorate of Operations meeting intelligence assets and collecting information of interest to the United States, a role in which trust plays an integral part. When I left the CIA for a new career in threat intelligence at a large tech company, I learned right off the bat how instrumental the skills I learned at the CIA would be, especially my ability to build trust. As a woman working in the male-dominated field of Information Security, I often experienced skepticism over my credentials. It didn’t help that I came from a career in which I couldn’t share many details about my professional background. After multiple meetings in which I didn’t gain much traction for my ideas, I began to realize I needed to shift my focus. Before I could accomplish my goals, I’d first need to build rapport with others to gain their trust and respect.

In order to do this, I leaned on a technique I learned at the CIA called You Me, Same Same. Some officers interpreted this to mean that they should feign an interest in a topic in which their intelligence asset was also interested. The most successful operations officers, however, sought to find genuine common ground through being multi-faceted themselves. Let’s walk through some of the techniques CIA agents use to genuinely connect and build trust with their colleagues.

Find ways to make yourself well rounded.

In order to have topics that you can connect with others on, you need to have your own interests and hobbies. Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn? There are endless opportunities to acquire new skills from people all over the world without even leaving your home. You can enjoy a wine tasting in your home with a renowned master sommelier through MasterClass, learn to knit from TikTok, or connect with other book lovers through a virtual book club.

Do you already have a hobby that you’ve let fall by the wayside due to the hustle and bustle of life? Finding time for interests outside of work can become difficult when we find ourselves overwhelmed with careers and responsibilities at home. Consider blocking time off on your calendar each week for your new skill or hobby. Remember, you don’t need to become an expert in everything you try. Having any amount of experience, even small amounts, in a variety of topics can give you material to draw from when you’re meeting and connecting with others.

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.

Just like CIA operations officers’ attempts to connect with someone over fake shared interests often fail, so will your attempts at building trust if you’re not authentic. Try to find a shared topic about which you’re genuinely interested. If you can’t find a way to connect with someone, consider learning more about one of their interests — but only if it’s something you actually want to learn about. For example, say your new colleague is a wine expert. Instead of hurriedly purchasing a book all about wine — or signing up for a course — in hopes of passing yourself off as a fellow expert, consider expressing your interest in learning more. Placing yourself in the role of student and the other person in the role of teacher can be a great way to build trust in a much more genuine way.


When you’re building rapport with someone, remember that by and large, people like to talk about themselves and their own interests. It’s okay to talk about you too — and you’ll need to do that in order to make those shared connections we discussed — but do it in a way that keeps the conversation moving and encourages them to share more. If you know that you’re naturally a very talkative person who enjoys being in the limelight, don’t forget to pass the mic to someone else. While sharing a similar story can create a bond, keep in mind that sometimes it’s more important to play the role of listener. For example, if someone excitedly shares about their recent vacation, and it’s a destination you’ve been to countless times, resist the urge to take over the conversation with your own stories of traveling there. If they ask if you’ve been there, you should tell the truth, but then diplomatically put the ball back in their court by asking them questions about what they liked best about their trip, where they stayed, whether they’d ever go back. Depending on how they answer, you may be able to find ways to connect over shared experiences.

Give to get.

In order to get people talking, sometimes you need to give some information about yourself first in order to make them comfortable to share details about themselves. This is also a technique the CIA teaches in training to help operations officers learn to build rapport and develop their clandestine relationships with intelligence targets. This can be just as important in business. If there’s specific information you’re hoping someone will confide in you, set up a conversation by sharing something similar in your life that will ideally trigger them to share and open up about the topic you’re interested. For example, if you’re hoping a colleague will open up about a stressful situation at work, you might share a recent story of something you went through that was similar to get the other person to engage. Whether you’re trying to find a compromise in negotiations or simply trying to break the ice with a colleague, “give to get” can be an easy way for you to encourage someone to open up, forming the foundation for a trusting relationship.

Take notes.

Just like CIA operations officers write up their meetings afterward, consider taking notes on the things you’ve learned about someone after your encounter so that you can remember to follow up in your next conversation. I’m not suggesting you write down any confidential information about someone, but rather, small details about their life that you may not remember once the busyness of your own takes over. For example, if a colleague mentions they’re training for a marathon, write that down so the next time you see them, you can follow up and ask how it’s going. If they share with you how many kids they have and their names, write those down too. People feel special when you remember details they’ve told you about their life and even more so when you follow up.


The ability to build trust with your colleagues is just one aspect of getting support for your ideas, but when we use these CIA-inspired techniques, we’re laying the groundwork to meet our professional goals. So much of what we accomplish in the workplace relies on building relationships and having the trust of our colleagues, and when we take the time to connect and understand each other, we’re positioning ourselves for success.

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September 30, 2021 at 08:21PM

5 Techniques to Build Rapport with Your Colleagues - Harvard Business Review
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Katie Couric's former colleague Ashleigh Banfield rejects claims in new book: 'You went after my dad' - Fox News

NewsNation anchor Ashleigh Banfield forcefully pushed back on claims made by her former NBC colleague Katie Couric in a new tell-all book claiming Banfield and her father tried to dethrone Couric as a top anchor on the "Today" show.

In her memoir, Couric shared concerns that "someone younger and cuter was always around the corner." Someone, Couric wrote, like Banfield.

"For a minute there, Ashleigh Banfield was the next big thing; I'd heard her father was telling anyone who'd listen that she was going to replace me. In that environment, mentorship sometimes felt like self-sabotage," Couric claims in "Going There," according to reporting from the Daily Mail.

A visibly shaken Banfield reacted to the excerpts on her show "Banfield" Wednesday night, rejecting the allegation that she was trying to take Couric's job, and that her aging and ailing dad played a role in the alleged coup d'etat. Banfield said she was "scared," "stunned," and "surprised" by the allegations.


"I want to correct the record here," Banfield said. "Because you went after my dad. That's just not true."

Banfield said when she was reporting in Afghanistan in the early 2000s, her dad told a New York Post reporter how concerned he was that his daughter was on such a dangerous assignment. Her father, Banfield added, was 80 years old, "extremely senile," and living in a care home at the time. That, Banfield said, was a little bit different of a scenario than what was painted in Couric's book.

"That hurt my feelings deeply," Banfield said of Couric's claims. "And I hope Ms. Couric corrects the record on that."

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 03:  Katie Couric speaks during an interview promoting the EPIX Original Documentary 'Under The Gun' on May 3, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Mike Windle/Getty Images For EPIX)

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 03:  Katie Couric speaks during an interview promoting the EPIX Original Documentary 'Under The Gun' on May 3, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Mike Windle/Getty Images For EPIX) (Photo by Mike Windle/Getty Images For EPIX))


In her memoir, Couric also had less-than-kind words for other female personalities such as Martha Stewart and another former NBC colleague, Deborah Norville. Banfield said she was saddened by Couric's attitude toward her fellow female journalists because she had never regretted offering advice to younger women in the early stages of their careers, saying those relationships made her a "better journalist."

Still, Banfield said she admired Couric as one of the best anchors to have ever been on morning television. She recalled a personal story of when she became emotional watching Couric interview a Columbine victim and the father of a victim and thought she "wanted to be just like her."

"It saddens me that we didn't get to collaborate," Banfield saiid. "It saddens me that she didn't want to mentor me."


Banfield also had stints at CNN and HLN before joining NewsNation this year.

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September 30, 2021 at 10:15PM

Katie Couric's former colleague Ashleigh Banfield rejects claims in new book: 'You went after my dad' - Fox News
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Cintas Recovery Is Complete - Yahoo Finance

Cintas Recovers Its Pre-COVID Revenue Levels

We can nit-pick the labor data all day long but one thing is clear in Cintas (NASDAQ: CTAS) Q1 results. Employment levels if not conditions have regained their pre-COVID levels. This is evident not only in the revenue but in the earnings and the outlook, and all reinforce the idea Cintas is a great investment. While highly valued at 36X this year's earnings consensus, the consensus is short of reality and in the end, you get what you pay for.

Cintas is among the best run and highest quality companies on Wall Street and a dividend payer of Aristocratic quality. The yield is a bit low at 1.0% but the expectations for dividend growth are very high. The company is paying out less than 35% of its earnings, has a fortress balance sheet, and has been raising the distribution at a near 40% cagr over the past five years. If you're looking to get a big bang for your buck and at a low-risk Cintas is certainly worth a look.

Cintas Beat Consensus And Raises Guidance

Cintas had a great quarter supported by ongoing economic reopening and organic expansion in many of America's businesses. The company reported $1.90 billion in consolidated revenue for a gain of 8.6% over last year. This is 100 basis points better than expected and up 5% over the same time frame in 2019. Organically, revenue grew 8.6% as well because there were no new purchases in the last year and previous purchases have been well integrated into the business. On a segment basis, the core Uniforms & Facilities Services Revenue grew by 8.2% while the Other category, which includes fire, safety, and first aid grew by 10.4%.

Moving down the report, the company was able to increase its margins at both the gross and operating levels despite the systemic headwinds facing much of the rest of the economy. Gross margins improved by 30 basis points to come in at 47.6% and as expected while the operating margin expanded by 80 basis points to hit 20.8% and slightly top the consensus estimate. On the bottom line, the GAAP earnings of $3.11 are up 11.9% on the combination of revenue strength and wider margins and beat the consensus estimate by $0.34.

Turning to the guidance, the company increased its outlook for revenue for the full year to a range of $7.58 billion to $7.67 billion versus the previous range whose top end was $7.63 billion. Earnings should come in the range of $10.60 to $10.90 versus the $10.75 high-end that was previously expected and we think the company will up its guidance again later this year.

The Analysts Are Overwhelmingly Bullish

There hasn't been any analyst activity in the wake of the earnings report yet but we think it's only a matter of time. The analyst’s activity in the stock this year, however, has been overwhelmingly bullish and pushed not only the stock’s rating but the consensus price target considerably higher. The consensus rating has moved from a firm Hold to a firm Buy over the past year, and the price target increased 45% and more than 5% since the last earnings report was released. The consensus price target assumes about 5% of upside while the high price target of $450 assumes a little more than 15.25% of outside.

The Technical Outlook: Cintas Is Well Supported

Cintas is trading just beneath its recently set all-time high and looks well supported. Price action moved lower in the wake of the earnings release but buyers have since stepped in to form what could become a doji candle. We say “could become a doji candle” because the session is yet to close, assuming this is how the market ends the day we see this stock continuing to move sideways if not begin to edge higher in the very near term. Beyond that, we see this stock moving up to retest the all-time highs fairly soon and then breaking out to new highs before the end of the year.

Cintas Recovery Is Complete
Cintas Recovery Is Complete

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September 30, 2021 at 05:10PM

Cintas Recovery Is Complete - Yahoo Finance
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Cleveland Museum of Art acquires portrait of Renoir by French Impressionist colleague Frederic Bazille -

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Three years before he died in the disastrous Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, the young French Impressionist Frédéric Bazille painted a remarkably fresh and lifelike portrait of his friend and colleague, the painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

The portrait of Renoir, which sparkles with crisp, distinct brushstrokes, is among the latest round of acquisitions announced today by the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Others works entering the permanent collection include an impressive pair of 18th-century Japanese screen paintings by the artist Watanabe Shiko; a trio of pre-Columbian objects that originated among peoples living centuries ago in present-day Peru; a portrait drawing from the 1630s by French artist Simon Vouet; and five photographs depicting Black life in America from the 1950s to the 1970s by Shawn Walker and Chester A. Higgins Jr.

The Bazille painting carries an especially poignant emotional charge because of its quality and because of Bazille’s tragic death during the Franco-Prussian war, in which a coalition of German states crushed the French army of 1870 at age 28.

Born into an upper middle-class family in southern France, Bazille moved to Paris in 1862 to study medicine, but soon enrolled in art classes and became friends with Impressionists including Renoir, Claude Monet and Alfred Sisley.

Inspired by their example, he developed an ability to portray large groups of his contemporaries outdoors in natural light, a key objective of the Impressionist movement. Yet his promising career was cut short by the war, which France lost to superior and better-organized forces from a newly unified Germany.

Bazille’s work was the subject of a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., in 2017.

Significant paintings by Bazille rarely appear on the market due to the artist’s untimely death and small body of work, the museum said in a news release.

“The ‘Portrait of Renoir’ offers a rare glimpse into Bazille’s close friendship with Renoir at a time when they were just beginning to develop an Impressionist style,’’ the museum said. “The entire surface is animated by lively brushwork, giving the composition a sense of informality that is not found in commissioned portraits of the period.”

The museum said the Bazille “represents a significant addition to the CMA’s collection and is particularly important as Bazille was the only major Impressionist not represented in the museum’s collection.’’ The news release did not include a provenance, or ownership history, of the painting.

Watanabe Shiko’s “Flowers and Trees of the Four Seasons’' is a pair of six-panel folding screens featuring plants of spring and summer on the right screen and of autumn and winter on the left.

Measuring approximately five feet high and 12 feet wide, they add depth to the museum’s holdings of works by the artist and deepen its ability to convey his evolving style.

The newly acquired pre-Columbian objects, in ceramic and carved stone, range in age from roughly 900 BC to the 1530s. They add depth to the museum’s collection of works from the peoples of Peru.

One, the “Reclining Dog Vessel,’’ which represents a Peruvian hairless dog that has recently given birth, is considered a major addition to the museum’s collection of Chimú and Chimú-Inka arts. It will be included in an upcoming CMA exhibition that traces the Chimú Empire from its founding in the year 1000 through the arrival of the Inka to the Spanish conquest in 1532, the museum said.

The Vouet “Portrait of a man in profile, turned to the left,’’ is the first drawing by the artist to enter the museum’s collection. It complements a 1630 painting of Saint Mary Magdalen by the artist, acquired by the museum in 1988.

The museum described the photographs by Walker and Higgins as part of its ongoing effort to expand its holdings in works by African-American artists.

The works include “Invisible Man: Untitled,’’ which the museum described as a self-portrait that presents Walker’s beret-topped silhouette reflected in a murky window.

“The elusive nature of this portrait makes sense in the context of the series to which it belongs, Invisible Man, a reference to Ralph Ellison’s important 1952 novel of the same title about Black people’s invisibility in society,’’ the museum said.

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September 30, 2021 at 05:31PM

Cleveland Museum of Art acquires portrait of Renoir by French Impressionist colleague Frederic Bazille -
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Dodgers homer four times in inning vs. Padres; complete unlikely comeback to stay alive in NL West race - CBS Sports

The Los Angeles Dodgers notched a come-from-behind victory against the San Diego Padres on Wednesday night, winning by an 11-9 final (box score) that ensures they'll remain two games back of the San Francisco Giants in the National League West race for another night.

The Dodgers entered their half of the seventh trailing the Padres by a 9-5 margin. Mookie Betts delivered his 22nd home run of the season, a solo shot, to reduce the deficit to three. The Dodgers then treated Padres reliever Emilio Pagán's outing as their personal batting practice session during the eighth inning. Max Muncy welcomed Pagán to the game with a home run; A.J. Pollock subsequently followed with a dinger of his own, his second of the evening, making it a one-run contest. 

Pagán was able to retire Chris Taylor, but that didn't end his nightmarish outing. Rather, Pagán then gave up a game-tying blast to Cody Bellinger, who was in the game only after Gavin Lux injured himself on a catch attempt. Pagán was allowed to face one more hitter, permitting a double to Justin Turner before finally being removed in favor of Nabil Crismatt.

Unfortunately, for San Diego, Crismatt didn't fare much better. Sure, he induced a fly out from Betts, but he then surrendered a two-run shot off Corey Seager's bat, completing the Dodgers' comeback by giving them an 11-9 lead.

Overall, the Dodgers notched nine extra-base hits over the course of the evening, including six home runs. Four of those came in the eighth inning, marking the first time since 2016 the Dodgers had hit that many home runs in an inning.

The Giants were able to dispose of the Arizona Diamondbacks earlier on Wednesday night, meaning the Dodgers did not gain ground in the division race. Still, the victory kept the Dodgers within two games of the Giants with both teams having four contests remaining on their schedules. 

The odds are not in favor of the Dodgers coming from behind to win, but then, that was also true on Wednesday night.

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September 30, 2021 at 12:48PM

Dodgers homer four times in inning vs. Padres; complete unlikely comeback to stay alive in NL West race - CBS Sports
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Vernon MLA helps save health-stricken colleague – Summerland Review - Summerland Review

In her role as Vernon-Monashee MLA, Harwinder Sandhu will listen long and hard to her constituents.

Listen to colleagues, though? Well, yes. And, no.

And for that, fellow MLA Pam Alexis of Abbotsford-Mission is eternally grateful.

Alexis and Sandhu were seated side-by-side at an MLA function last week when Alexis took ill.

Though she told her fellow MLA she was fine, Sandhu – a former nurse who happens to be featured in an article in the latest issue of the B.C. Nurses Union’s in-house magazine – would not believe Alexis.

She was rushed to Vancouver General Hospital and is now resting after suffering what’s being called a “health issue.”

“I want to especially thank my colleague and friend Harwinder Sandhu. She did the best possible thing when I said ‘I’m fine:’ She refused to listen,” said Alexis in a statement.

While there are no details regarding the severity of the issue, Alexis said her recovery is going well.

“I am already looking forward to getting back to work,” she said, though she added her doctors have told her she needs at least three more weeks of uninterrupted rest. “In that time my team will continue to serve our constituents regarding their questions and concerns in provincial matters.”

Alexis thanked her constituents for their wishes of support and strong healing.

“I want to thank everyone who sent messages of support over the past week. I assure you my staff has passed on every text, email and DM, and they brought me quite a bit of joy and comfort during this time,” she said.

“Finally, I want to thank the doctors at Vancouver General Hospital, the paramedics who ensured my safe travel to VGH, and my fellow MLAs in the caucus who sprang to action so quickly.”

-With files from Black Press

READ MORE: Women in Business: Vernon MLA builds resiliency through perseverance

READ MORE: Teaching Canadians to observe solemn new Truth and Reconciliation Day could take time


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September 30, 2021 at 03:30AM

Vernon MLA helps save health-stricken colleague – Summerland Review - Summerland Review
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Whitmer signs bills to complete budget, hails bipartisanship - Associated Press

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday signed off on $55 billion in spending to complete the state budget, hailing the bipartisan bills as an example of finding common ground with Republicans despite partisan tension during the coronavirus pandemic.

“This budget shows that divided government doesn’t have to be dysfunctional government,” the Democrat said at Lansing Community College.

She emphasized how the laws, which include billions in federal COVID-19 relief aid, will expand eligibility for child care subsidies, provide $1,000 bonuses to child care workers and continue to fund new tuition-free assistance for 167,000 adults ages 25 and up and frontline workers to attend community college. The funding will repair or replace 100 local bridges, clean up polluted sites, fix aging dams and replace lead water lines in Benton Harbor.

It will make permanent and slightly raise — to $2.35 an hour — a wage hike for “direct care” workers in nursing homes and other residential facilities along with in-home caregivers.

The blueprint includes $53 billion in non-school aid spending for the fiscal year that starts Friday and $2.3 billion in supplemental funding for the current budget year. The K-12 budget was finalized over the summer.

Whitmer vetoed roughly $16 million in funding tied to anti-abortion provisions that she said would have promoted the GOP’s “political agenda.” The sections would have required marketing programs and family planning services to promote alternatives to abortion.

“We know that reproductive health care is critical to women and families,” she said, drawing praise from groups that support abortion rights and criticism from those that oppose them.

She also declared unconstitutional or unenforceable various Republican-written “boilerplate” policy provisions, including ones that tried to ban local masks mandates for schools and defund local health departments with COVID-19 orders if those orders lack the support of the relevant county commissioners.

“Where we found agreement ... is so much bigger and overwhelming,” the governor said.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Thomas Albert, a Lowell Republican, touted the bills’ injection of money into the unemployment benefits trust fund — which was targeted by fraudsters — a $500 million deposit into savings and new spending to help communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus.

He called it an “excellent” budget but said he was saddened, though not surprised, by the line-item vetoes and decisions on the enforceability of certain provisions.

“As a state, we must do better helping pregnant mothers in need, including the promotion of adoption as an alternative to abortion,” Albert said.

Emergency medical services providers will receive an increased state Medicaid reimbursement for the first time in more than 20 years, enabling them to also draw additional federal funding. They said the pandemic and underfunding have pushed them to the brink financially.

“This budget increase will allow us to increase pay for paramedics and EMTs and recruit much-needed new staff into the profession,” said Jack Fisher, executive director of Medic 1 Ambulance in Berrien County and president of the Michigan Association of Ambulance Services.

Next, Whitmer and the GOP-led Legislature will turn to allocating an unprecedented amount of federal coronavirus relief funding, much of it discretionary.


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September 29, 2021 at 02:22AM

Whitmer signs bills to complete budget, hails bipartisanship - Associated Press
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Enbridge: Line 3 replacement complete; oil will flow Friday - ABC News

MINNEAPOLIS -- Enbridge announced Wednesday that construction on the upgrade of its Line 3 crude oil pipeline across Minnesota is “substantially complete” and that the company will start filling it with oil later this week.

The Canadian-based company's president and CEO, Al Monaco, said in a statement that the pipeline “will soon deliver the low-cost and reliable energy that people depend on every day.”

The project was completed despite stiff opposition from tribes, environmentalists and others who argued that the 1,097 mile (1,765-kilometer) pipeline — including the 337-mile (542-kilometer) segment across Minnesota — would violate treaty rights, worsen climate change and risk spills in waters where Native Americans harvest wild rice. They note it would carry oil from Alberta's tar sands, a heavier crude that consumes more energy and generates more carbon dioxide in the refining process than lighter oil, making it an even bigger contributor to climate change.

Line 3 opponents promised to keep fighting, though their legal options going forward are fading. And they vowed to hold President Joe Biden and other politicians accountable for failing to stop the project. More than 900 people have been arrested or ticketed at protests along the route since construction began in December.

”This is not the outcome we hoped for, but the fight to stop Line 3 has always been a fight for climate justice and a future free from fossil fuels, and that fight will not stop just because Enbridge has succeeded in building this pipeline,” Margaret Levin, director of the Minnesota chapter of the Sierra Club, said in a statement.

A leading face of the opposition, Winona LaDuke, executive director of the Indigenous-based environmental group Honor the Earth, paid tribute to the many people from across the country who came to Minnesota to protest.

“Your brave efforts about Enbridge’s Line 3 have reshaped the world’s views on the climate crisis we are in, the Treaty Rights of the Anishinaabe, and the escalating divestment in fossil fuels around the world and here at home," LaDuke said in a statement. "You are the true heroes of this tragic saga.”

At a news conference later, LaDuke called on Biden to stand by his promise to be a “climate president.” But she said they’re pinning their hopes on the federal courts, which she noted have made rulings against the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, and on the White Earth Ojibwe tribal court in northern Minnesota.

The main remaining tasks are cleanup and restoration along the route, Leo Golden, an Enbridge vice president in charge of the project, said in an interview. Some parts have already been completely restored with crops and native grasses growing on them, he said. But construction mats still need to be removed from wetlands and other cleanup and restoration work will continue through next summer.

“We're not done restoring until we go to the landowners and we walk the land with them and they say ‘Yes, you’re done' and sign off," Golden said.

Enbridge said the project was necessary to replace a deteriorating pipeline built in the 1960s, which could carry only half its original volume of oil, and to ensure the reliable delivery of crude to U.S. refineries. Enbridge expects to start running the pipeline at its full capacity of 760,000 barrels per day in mid-October.

Line 3 starts in Alberta, Canada, and clips a corner of North Dakota before crossing Minnesota en route to Enbridge’s terminal in Superior, Wisconsin. The Canadian, North Dakota and Wisconsin segments were finished earlier and the Canadian and Wisconsin legs are already in service. The process of filling the line starts in North Dakota on Friday, Golden said. Enbridge puts the cost at $5.3 billion Canadian dollars for the Canadian section and $4 billion U.S. dollars for the work in the U.S.

Opponents have challenged the pipeline's permits in court to no avail so far. They've also unsuccessfully sought to persuade Biden, who canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL pipeline soon after taking office, to intervene.

A challenge is still pending in federal court to a permit granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, but that case didn't block construction. Opponents can still ask the state Supreme Court to review a clean water certification granted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Also, a novel “rights of nature” lawsuit is pending in the White Earth tribal court. It names Manoomin — the Ojibwe word for wild rice — as one of the plaintiffs. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has asked a federal appeals court to block that case.

“We are confident that the (tribal) court will hold that the rights of wild rice should supersede the rights of the Canadian multinational. ... And we will ask the federal government to uphold the decisions that are made in our court,” LaDuke told reporters.

But LaDuke was vague when asked whether future protests and civil disobedience are planned.

“We will see what our communities do," she said. "We will see.”

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September 29, 2021 at 08:49PM

Enbridge: Line 3 replacement complete; oil will flow Friday - ABC News
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KCS move to TVA tower going 'well,' expected to be complete by mid November -

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KCS move to TVA tower going 'well,' expected to be complete by mid November

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September 30, 2021 at 02:55AM

KCS move to TVA tower going 'well,' expected to be complete by mid November -
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Phase 5 Work Complete, Lakewalk Reopened - FOX 21 Online


DULUTH, Minn. – The City of Duluth says contractors have completed the work to begin the fifth phase of the Lakewalk Reconstruction Project.

The sections of the Lakewalk that had been temporarily closed earlier this week have reopened for public use.

Sections along the Lakewalk from Gitchi- ode’ Akiing to Water Street had been closed so that crews could take soil samples, and create a soil analysis in preparation of design work for the fifth phase of the project.

The City of Duluth would like to thank the public for their patience and understanding with this closure.

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September 30, 2021 at 05:10AM

Phase 5 Work Complete, Lakewalk Reopened - FOX 21 Online
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Enbridge Says Line 3 Replacement Complete, Opens Friday - FOX 21 Online
Enbridge Line 3

(AP Photo/Jim Mone File)

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Enbridge announced Wednesday that the upgrade and expansion of its Line 3 pipeline across Minnesota is complete and will become operational on Friday.

The Canadian-based company’s President and CEO Al Monaco said in a statement that the pipeline “will soon deliver the low-cost and reliable energy that people depend on every day.”

The project was completed despite stiff opposition from tribes, environmentalists, and others that the 337-mile pipeline violated treaty rights, would worsen climate change, and would risk spills. Enbridge said it was necessary to replace and expand a deteriorating pipeline built in the 1960s.

The line starts in Alberta, Canada, and clips a corner of North Dakota before crossing Minnesota en route to Enbridge’s terminal in Superior, Wisconsin.

Enbridge said its completion restores the pipeline’s full capacity of 760,000 barrels per day.

Opponents have challenged the pipeline’s permits in court to no avail. They’ve also unsuccessfully sought to convince President Joe Biden, who canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL pipeline soon after taking office, to intervene.

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September 29, 2021 at 08:58PM

Enbridge Says Line 3 Replacement Complete, Opens Friday - FOX 21 Online
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$6.5 million rehab project on Route 5 now complete -

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$6.5 million rehab project on Route 5 now complete

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September 30, 2021 at 01:19AM

$6.5 million rehab project on Route 5 now complete -
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San Clemente Councilman Files Police Report On Colleague After a Heated Argument - Voice of OC

Gilles Cervara On Supporting Colleague Kristijan Schneider: 'I Want To Continue To Help' - ATP Tour

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Gilles Cervara On Supporting Colleague Kristijan Schneider: 'I Want To Continue To Help'  ATP Tour

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September 30, 2021 at 04:18AM

Gilles Cervara On Supporting Colleague Kristijan Schneider: 'I Want To Continue To Help' - ATP Tour
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Victim Rights Law Center Title IX case appealed; Dear Colleague Letter stands for now - JD Supra

Earlier this summer, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts entered a decision vacating the provision in the new Title IX regulations that prohibited decision-makers from considering statements not subject to cross-examination. The U.S. Department of Education subsequently issued a Dear Colleague Letter on August 25, 2021, indicating that it was immediately ceasing enforcement of that provision. 

On September 27, 2021, the State of Texas successfully intervened in the lawsuit and filed an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Other potential intervenors are waiting for court approval so that they may also appeal. This means that the First Circuit will be issuing a decision at this case, but the timing for that is not yet known.

As of this writing, the Dear Colleague Letter still stands. However, Title IX coordinators would be well-served to monitor this case for further developments, as they may require changes to Title IX policy language. 

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September 30, 2021 at 12:02AM

Victim Rights Law Center Title IX case appealed; Dear Colleague Letter stands for now - JD Supra
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Panthers Complete First of Two Local Tournaments - HPU Panthers
Site: Greensboro, N.C.
Course: Champions Course at Bryan Park (Par 72, 6,305 yards)
Tournament: Bryan National Collegiate
HPU Team Standing: 11th of 11 teams (308-306-318--932, +68)
Top HPU Individual:  Danielle Suh (73-75-74--222, +6), T-24th
Next HPU Round: Monday, October 11 -- at Pat Lesser-Harbottle Invitational (Tacoma, Wash.)

GREENSBORO, N.C. -- The High Point University women's golf program finished in 11th place at the Bryan National Collegiate on Tuesday (Sept. 28) in the first of two events the Panthers will play in the Triad this fall.
"This week was a huge opportunity that, quite simply, we didn't take advantage of in any respect," head coach Alexis Bennett said after the tournament. "It'll take a few days to process given that I haven't had a team in this position in my career thus far, but my hope is that we can use it as fuel to the motivational fire and not just sweep it under the rug before reflecting on what adjustments need to and can be made so that we don't ever find ourselves in this position again."
Sophomore Danielle Suh led HPU at six-over for the tournament and a share of 24th place. Her classmate, Vynie Chen, tied for 55th place at +22, followed by Olivia John tied for 61st at +26 and Sarah Kahn in 64th at +29. Sophie Caldon was competing as an individual in the event and tied with Chen for 55th place with a score of 22-over. Freshman Minonna Falkman Lehes was also playing for the Purple and White but was disqualified after the final round from signing an incorrect scorecard.
"I knew after graduating an anchor in Samantha [Vodry] we'd be in a more vulnerable position this fall as our lineup has a lot of youth," Bennett continued. "We seem to be able to put two scores together thus far so it's time to find the next pair of anchors and see who is able to step up to fill out the four scores needed to truly be competitive."
Suh had the most consistent week of the Panthers and turned in all three rounds in the mid-70s. She started with a team-best 73 in the first round before firing rounds of 75 and 74. Four of her six birdies in the tournament came on par-5s and she didn't card anything other than a par on the remainder of the 5s for a score of -4 on the long holes, tied for the third-best par-5 score in the field.
Chen started the event with a 74 for High Point's second-best round on Sunday. Her second round didn't go as well as that score fell to an 85 and she ended the event Tuesday with a 79. John bookended her week with a pair of 82s in the opening and closing rounds and took off five strokes in the middle with a 77. Kahn had an uncharacteristic tournament that saw her with all three rounds in the 80s - an 81 and then a pair of 82s. Caldon also had an 82 - hers coming in the first round - before she improved the following two days with a 79 and a 77.
Co-hosts Wake Forest charged up the leaderboard on the final day with an eight-under, 280, to finish at -14 for the event as the only team multiple strokes under par in the tournament. Charlotte was the only other team under par at Tuesday's end at one-under after a seven-under, 281, in the final round moved the 49ers into second place. UCF, Campbell, and Old Dominion all tied for third at +8 to round out the top five. Charlotte's Kaiyree Moodley took home medalist honors at -7 after three rounds under par and held off Old Dominion's Jana Melichova's late push on Tuesday, who shot a tournament-best 67 to tie for second with Wake Forest's Rachel Kuehn at -6.
High Point goes from playing in the Triad to almost as far away as the Panther could be as HPU heads across the country to Tacoma, Washington for the Pat Lesser-Harbottle Invitational on Oct. 11-12.


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September 29, 2021 at 03:52AM

Panthers Complete First of Two Local Tournaments - HPU Panthers
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New opportunity to reskill, upskill, or complete a current degree - WesternSlopeNow

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New opportunity to reskill, upskill, or complete a current degree  WesternSlopeNow

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September 29, 2021 at 07:17AM

New opportunity to reskill, upskill, or complete a current degree - WesternSlopeNow
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

McKinley Mall property sale is finally complete -

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McKinley Mall property sale is finally complete

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September 29, 2021 at 02:58AM

McKinley Mall property sale is finally complete -
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Pearl River looks to play complete football at East Central - Picayune Item - Picayune Item

CUTLINE: Latreal Jones cuts inside against Copiah-Lincoln (Courtney Crosby/PRCC Athletics)

POPLARVILLE, Miss. — The Pearl River football team hits the road Thursday to take on East Central at Bailey Stadium. The game is set for a 6:30 p.m. kickoff.

Pearl River (1-3 overall; 0-2 MACCC South) looks to rebound after falling to Copiah-Lincoln last week.

Pearl River head coach Seth Smith’s message to his team coming into this week was simple: play complete football.

“We’ve got to keep doing what we do, and we’ve got to protect the football better,” he said. “We played two great quarters of football last week but were unable to piece four quarters together. I think we have a good football team, but we have to stop doing things that hurt ourselves. We need to play complete football.”

Despite losing the contest, Smith was able to be positive about his team’s effort.

“Our effort is much better and we’re playing harder,” he said. “Our execution just hasn’t been great. We need to do things to execute and keep ourselves in the ball game for all four quarters. The positive for me is that that the kids played hard.”

The Pearl River defensive unit has been a bright spot for the Wildcats in the early going.

“Our defense in three games has two defensive touchdowns,” Smith said. “We’re just not complementing that on offense. They’re doing a great job getting turnovers, but we’ve got to get points out of them.”

Bryce Wallace (Pulaski, Tenn.; Giles County) leads the Wildcats in passing with 365 yards.

Chris Holifield Jr. (Mobile, Ala.; Leflore) and Tony Brown (Hurley; East Central) lead the Wildcats in rushing with 188 and 177 yards, respectively.

Tavion Smith (Hattiesburg; Oak Grove) leads the team in receiving with 118 yards on nine receptions while Eric Poellnitz(Mobile, Ala.; Mobile Christian) comes in at second on the team with seven catches for 73 yards.

Zach Jones (Hurley; East Central) leads the Wildcats in tackles with 21.

East Central (1-3; 1-1) enters the contest after knocking off Southwest, 21-13.

The Warriors have leaned on the passing game this season averaging 163 pass yards. They rush for 86.8 yards per game.

Freshman Caleb Parten leads the air attack for ECCC with 496 yards and three touchdowns.

The ground game is led by Larry Wilson who has 249 yards and one touchdown this season.

Keyser Booth has been a force at receiver for the Warriors, catching 18 passes for 249 yards and three touchdowns through the first four games.

The defensive unit ranks fourth in the country in interceptions with six.

“East Central is another established program,” Smith said. “Their coaches have been there for several years. They’re a structured program and they know who they are. We’re going to get a team that plays hard. We just need to control what we can control.”

Smith feels that his secondary will be the key to victory Thursday.

“The secondary needs to do well for us to succeed against them,” Smith said. “Other than two blown assignments our secondary has been fantastic all year. They’ll be challenged but I think they’re up for the challenge.”

Pearl River holds a 54-23-4 all-time record against East Central, according to PRCC records. The Wildcats took last year’s contest 28-21.

Pearl River standout wide receiver Latreal Jones (Taylorsville) announced his commitment to Southern Miss on Sunday. In limited action this year, the sophomore pass-catcher has caught six passes for 31 yards.

“We’re happy for ‘Frog’ and we’re happy for coach Will Hall getting him,” Smith said. “He is a tremendous player and he’s a great team player. I think he will help them a lot as they continue to rebuild Southern Miss.”

Jones has been a reliable option for the Wildcats in his career, hauling in 53 passes for 691 yards and three touchdowns. At the conclusion of the 2020 season, Jones was named First-Team All-America by

All Pearl River football games are livestreamed for free at Fans who have Roku, Amazon Fire or Apple TV devices can also watch the Wildcat broadcasts by downloading the “Pearl River CC” channel from their app. stores.

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September 28, 2021 at 11:55PM

Pearl River looks to play complete football at East Central - Picayune Item - Picayune Item
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Military leaders contradict Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal - PBS NewsHour

Gen. Mark Milley:

If we stayed past the 31st, which, militarily, is feasible, but it would have required an additional commitment of significant amounts of forces, probably 18th Airborne Corps, 15,000, 20,000, maybe 25,000 troops, we would have had to reseize Bagram. We would have had to clear Kabul of the 6,000 Taliban that were already in Kabul.

That's what would have had to have happened beginning on the 1st. And that would have resulted in significant casualties on the U.S. side, and it would have placed American citizens that are still there at greater risk.

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September 29, 2021 at 05:55AM

Military leaders contradict Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal - PBS NewsHour
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Pearl River Community College professor improves accessibility accommodations for disabled colleague - WJTV

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Pearl River Community College professor improves accessibility accommodations for disabled colleague  WJTV

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September 29, 2021 at 02:55AM

Pearl River Community College professor improves accessibility accommodations for disabled colleague - WJTV
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Asbury Park Officer Backed In Shooting To Stop Man From Stabbing Colleague With Scissors - Rutherford Daily Voice

An Asbury Park police officer was justified in shooting an emotionally disturbed man to stop him from stabbing another officer with a pair of scissors, a state grand jury found.

Among the evidence panel members reviewed was clear, graphic police bodycam video showing the fatal confrontation from July 23, 2019.

Officers had responded to a call shortly before 10:30 p.m. of a man who was “behaving erratically” and threatened to “commit violence against another person” at the Asbury Inn on 7th Avenue, Acting New Jersey Attorney General Andrew J. Bruck said.

They and paramedics first tried to talk with Manzo, who is seen and heard slamming the door on them.

'We're not trying to arrest you,” an officer tells him. “We're just trying to have a conversation, man.”

“I don't have to answer any questions,” Manzo shouts through the closed door. “I know my rights.”

A paramedic takes a door, asking through the door if he can get some medical information “to make sure you're all right.”

Manzo refuses and tells everyone to leave.

Eventually, an officer opens the door and Manzo charges into the hallway, where he “immediately attempted to stab the officer with a pair of scissors,” Bruck said.

Another officer fires five shots and Manzo slumps to the floor.

He was taken to nearby Jersey Shore University Medical Center and was pronounced dead there at 10:52 p.m., the attorney general said.

State law and his own guidelines require Bruck's office to investigate deaths that occur “during an encounter with a law enforcement officer acting in the officer’s official capacity or while the decedent is in custody," he said.

The guidelines guarantee that the investigation is done “in a full, impartial and transparent manner."

Once the investigation is complete, the results are presented to a grand jury -- ordinarily consisting of 16 to 23 citizens -- that determines whether or not criminal charges are in order.

Evidence presented to the grand jury included the body cam video of the responding officers and statements from a civilian witness, Bruck said.

After reviewing it all, the grand jurors “found the actions of the officer were justified,” he said.

“An officer may use deadly force in New Jersey when the officer reasonably believes it is immediately necessary to protect the officer or another person from imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm,” the attorney general noted.

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September 29, 2021 at 03:11AM

Asbury Park Officer Backed In Shooting To Stop Man From Stabbing Colleague With Scissors - Rutherford Daily Voice
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Supporting a struggling colleague without crossing the line - Sydney Morning Herald
By Dr Kirstin Ferguson

Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a minute?” This week, supporting a colleague struggling with personal issues, being asked to undergo a 360-degree review, and dealing with being sacked from a contract role.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.Credit:

I think a guy I work with is having problems in his marriage and it is impacting his work. He seems to forget things, is late to meetings and just seems a bit down. He isn’t someone who likes to talk about his personal life, but he did say, just once, that things were not great at home. I would like to be able to support him but don’t know how. What can I do?

You are obviously an empathetic colleague to have noticed what is going on for him and I am sure he would be grateful to know you care. However, there is also a fine line between offering a coworker support and being a nosy parker.

I don’t know how close your relationship with your colleague is but if there is a high level of mutual trust and respect, you might just want to open the door by saying something like, “There is so much going on for everyone at the moment. I just wanted to check how you are travelling and is there anything I can do to support you?” That is a very open question without any judgement on what you have noticed. If he doesn’t offer much back or simply says all is fine, I think you need to respect that and be reassured that he knows you are there if he wants to reach out.

My boss wants me to do a 360-degree review (a process that involves getting feedback from managers, coworkers and direct reports) for my own development. But I’m really suspicious and think it is just something they want to do so they can move me out of the business. Do I have to agree to doing one? And if I agree, how can I be sure the results won’t cause me to lose my job?

Hear me out since there is a bit to deal with in your question. First up, a 360-degree review is a really valuable tool that will help you in your own professional development and will offer you a lot of insight into how others perceive you. I’m a real fan of these reviews and actually use them a lot in my executive coaching work.

But – and it is a massive “but” – they can only be used well when there is already a foundation of trust and a level of psychological safety in your organisation. The fact you have fears that your boss will use the results to have you exit the business tells me that the trust is not there and so the entire reason for doing a 360-degree review is undermined.

My advice is that before you tell your boss you don’t want to do it, try to talk with them (or someone at work you trust) about your broader concerns. I think you need to deal with that first and once you are reassured that the review is purely intended to help you develop, then you might want to think about whether you give it a go and learn from the insights it might bring.

An aged care facility recently sacked me after I gave eight years of loyal service. I’m a health professional, and I consulted on a contract basis. I recently increased my fees for only the second time ever and was notified shortly after that my service had been cancelled. I was fired over email. Despite numerous attempts to speak to management, no one has had the decency to return my calls or emails. I’m bitterly disappointed and I can’t shake it off. Should I let it go or keep trying to get an answer?

Let it go. You deserve so much better. What an appalling response from any employer, let alone from within an industry where we know there are chronic staff shortages. Contractors are entitled to increase their rates and should not be penalised for doing so. The fact that the organisation has not even had the decency to respond to your attempts to speak with them reflects only on them and their poor culture. I only hope that you are now able to find a role with a new employer who values you and what you bring to them. I would also plan on making sure that an annual review of your rates is built into any new contract you arrange so that this does not happen again.

Send your questions about work, careers and leadership to Your name and any identifying information will not be used. Letters may be edited.

Dr Kirstin Ferguson is an award-winning leader, author, executive coach and public speaker; she is the former deputy chair of the ABC. You can connect with Kirstin at or on Twitter @kirstinferguson and LinkedIn @kirstinferguson.

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Supporting a struggling colleague without crossing the line - Sydney Morning Herald
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